- Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as “impotence”. The term "erectile dysfunction" can mean the inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or the ability to achieve only brief erections. This means even though a man has a strong desire to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner , he can-not perform sexual act because of looseness (absence of erection ) of his phallus ( penis). Even if he performs sexual act with his determined efforts he does not get erection and gets afflicted with tiredness, perspiration and frustration to perform sex. Impotence is the inability to hold an erection. As a man ages, testosterone decreases, causing changes in his sexuality. This includes loss of libido and impotence, which can result in the inability to gain or hold an erection. Most men have erection problems every now and then. This is normal. These problems can occur at any age. But they are more common in older men, who often have other health problems. Treatment can help both older and younger men. The only symptom of an erection problem is being unable to get and keep an erection that is firm enough to have sex. But even with an erection problem, a man may still have sexual desire and be able to have an orgasm and to ejaculate. Your doctor can find out if you have an erection problem by asking questions about your health and doing a physical exam. Your doctor will want to know how often the problem happens. The exam, lab tests, and sometimes mental health tests can help find out the cause of the problem. ED is not as simple as the inability to achieve an erection when aroused. It is a complex multi-system dysfunction. Male sexual arousal involves many body systems including the brain, nervous system, blood vessels, muscles, hormones, and emotions. A problem with one part of the body can cause a problem elsewhere, which could then be the cause of ED. In addition to prescription medications, traditional treatments and lifestyle changes, alternative treatments provide some helpful and beneficial options for men with ED. However, it’s important that you work with your doctor before beginning any alternative treatments. We are the pioneer in alternative treatment of Erectile dysfunction with natural extract of plants herbs that we obtained from different part of world. after mixing the herbs together a perfect blend of herbal remedy comes out for proper treatment of erectile dysfunction that boosts the stamina of a person and generates harder erections with more sensations. Hard Rock Capsule is a perfect mixture of herbal remedies that fight with all symptoms of erectile dysfunction and removes the inability of weak performance.

- Unani has a vegetarian outlook and what makes it so unique is the fact that it prevents and cures ailments without any side effects on the human body. The ultimate goal of Unani is to create a state of holistic health for the individual, to create, consequently, a healthy society and environment with its herbal health remedies. Erectile Dysfunction means lacking required penile erection while having sex or not maintaining it as long as the couple reaches the climax of the meeting. Though the problem is common to men of advanced age, it may be faced by a man of any age group. Lacking erecting sometimes, for sure, is not a concern, but if it recurs or persists, it may result in mental stress and deter mutual relations and self esteem. Earlier this situation was called impotency or taken as a psychological disorder or related to advancing age, but recently opinions have changed. It has been clear that Erectile Dysfunction largely relates to physical factors instead of psychological ones and that many men maintain proper erecting in their eighties too. Though discussion on sexual issues with the doctor may come slightly uncomfortable, it has its own advantages to seek help regarding. Its treatment is effective if it goes with herbal remedies which restores the ability to have sex as usual. The impotent man has a desire for intercourse but he is helpless since his penis does not have an erection. The genital organ will become a paralyzed part of the body. Even if he achieves some erection he discharges before intercourse. This disorder ruins the married life. The ill effect of impotence not only befalls on man only. His wife becomes very much disappointed & the frustrated. Not only the satisfaction of the sexual desire but the desire of having a child is more impotence to her. To fulfill this desire she flirt away and end into the hands of other man by which a heaven like home will turn into a hell. With our Hard Rock Capsule one can achieve harder erections rate to satisfy her partner comfortably and achieve the pride of manhood in front of her loving partner.
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